Allison's 2020 Reflection

We asked our teen volunteers to reflect on the last year - what they learned, how they changed, and what they are hoping to bring into 2021.  This is Allison's reflection:

Last year was definitely very weird and the most difficult by far. If I learned anything from last year, it would be that your family and friends are the most important aspect of your life and they can help you through anything you need. 2020 was a difficult year but it was also one I will never forget. The year started out so amazing. I was doing indoor track meets gearing up for a great outdoor season. Then the world shut down and we went into quarantine. During quarantine, my family found the time to spend as much time together which was amazing. We went on a lot of walks around the neighborhood, we played many board games and watched tons of movies. Once things began opening back up, I got a job for the summer and fall working at a golf course. That was an absolute blast, my coworkers were amazing and I made so many great friends and memories. Many times after work we would head out to the range and hit for a while or we would go out and play a few holes. But it was always a blast. With the busy season we had and the many hours we worked, our boss took us down to Jackson and had a mini golf outing set up for us. That was a ton of fun and a nice break from our normal work day. Our family took an RV trip around Michigan. We went up in the UP for a few days then trekked down the west side of the state. We saw so many cool places and had a ton of fun traveling around Michigan. I was lucky to be able to have a full normal golf season and we made it all the way to states and placed 9th! I was able to spend a bunch of time with my friends throughout the summer and had many pool parties and late nights out by the fire. I applied and got accepted to my dream school and will be heading there this fall! I would have to say that 2020 was not all great, we lost our great grandma after 101 years of her being on this Earth. However we know she is in a better place and that was a nice excuse to get all the family together to celebrate her life. 2020 definitely wasn’t the year we imagined it to be but I made the best of it and had tons of fun with the things we were able to do. Looking to the rest of 2021, I can’t wait to make more memories with my friends and family and to begin the next chapter of my life when I head to Hope College next fall!
