The Phantom Files Remains Unresolved

Dearest Sir Nicholas, 

I was terribly sorry to hear that you were Petrified, but each of us here at the Headless Hunt admire your chivalry displayed towards that boy whom you shielded from the Basilisk’s great stare! 

While we still cannot offer you a place in the Headless Hunt, we do wish to send you our thoughts and admiration. I also took the liberty of assembling some pamphlets for groups that meet once a week, some for ghosts suffering from Nearly Headlessness as well as for ghosts who were Petrified, in case you were interested. 

You would do well to forget about the Headless Hunt and move forth. Enjoy your five-hundredth year of being dead, and don’t waste another second pursuing prospects that simply aren’t right for you. I am certain you will be far happier in one of these more suitable groups.


Sir Patrick Delaney-Podmore 
