My Life as a Background Gryffindor - Too Long of a Wait

Date: June 2

Emma ran up to me and gave me a big hug! I was so happy!

“It has been to long!” I exclaimed.

“It has,” she admitted. “Is everything alright? Does Eric still think you’re the heir?”

“He gave that up a while ago. Right after I read your note to him,” I said.

“My note!” Emma gasped. “I never got the chance to give it to him. How’d you get it?”

“It was in you hand,” I said.

“I’m glad that is all over!” Emma announced.

“Are you still going to leave?” I asked.

“Read this,” she said as she handed me a note.


I don’t want  to have to make new friends. You are my best friend and I could never replace you. Next year will probably be even crazier, but that’s ok. Whatever happens we’ll face together. I hope Eric is back to his old self and that we can all hang out together.

“You’re staying,” I gasped.

“Of course,” Emma replied.

Then Eric came over. When he saw Emma he smiled.

“Emma,” he said. “I’m glad you are back!”

“I’m glad to be back,” Emma said.

“I’m sorry for all the trouble I caused you and Liz,” Eric apologized.

“It’s ok I forgive you,” Emma said. “I’m kind of glad I missed that fight!”

“Yeah,” Eric said.

“We’re all friends again,” I said. “So lets put the past behind us.”

As we gave each other a group hug I realized that we really were friends. No matter what crazy thing came our way, that would not change. And I was glad for it.
