My Life as a Background Gryffindor - I'm Freaking Out!

Date: A Day After Emma Went Missing

And We Still Can’t Find Her

And I’m Freaking Out

We were walking to Potions when I saw her. Me and Lily were a little ways back from the rest of the group. 

“Eric really thinks you opened the Chamber?” Lily asked.

“Yeah,” I admitted.

“But that is not true!” Lily exclaimed.

I nodded. “I’m glad someone believes me.”

“Well someone shouldn’t,” a voice said.

“Eric,” I muttered.

“Lily she is a lier. She admitted to opening the Chamber. She told me in hopes I would help her!” Eric lied.

“I never said that!” I exclaimed. “I know we’re all scared, but accusing me won’t help anyone!”

Suddenly, Eric gasped. I followed his gaze.

Someone was petrified. They were standing with a letter in one hand and an ink bottle in the other. The ink bottle had spilled and there was a big puddle on the floor.

Then I recognized her. It was Emma.

Professor McGonagall noticed. “Back to the common room!” she ordered.

As everyone turned around I went up to Emma. I slid the parchment out of her hand. “I’m so sorry,” I whispered. 

When we got back to the common room I looked at the note.

Dear Eric,

You’re wrong. Liz would never hurt anybody. I realized that. What you told me about her confessing to you, it must have been lies. This means you lied to me. Why? What good do false accusations do right now?

I have decided to leave Hogwarts. All these people getting petrified is too much for me. Plus, you have only made things worse. I hoped you would make things better. I was wrong. With all of this I know I must go before it is to late.

I only ask that you stop the lies.Apologize to Liz. She deserves it. Work on figuring out who this is. I don’t have any solid proof that you lied, but I listened to my heart. I trust Liz more then I trust you, Eric. 

Sincerely, Emma

She believed me. Emma knew Eric was lying.

“Stop right there!” a voice shouted.

I looked up to see Eric with a bunch of other Gryffindors. They were staring right at me.

“Can I help you?” I asked.

“You traitor!” Drake spat. Drake was a student who was brave but foolish.

“Do you deny that you have been opening the Chamber of Secrets?” Eric asked.

“I didn’t open the Chamber of Secrets,” I said.

“Yes you did,” Eric spat.

“Admit it!” Drake yelled.

Lily was standing in the back corner. She wasn’t with Eric and Drake. Was she going to join them? Was she with me?

“I believe Liz,” Lily said. “She is kind and caring. Her best friend got petrified. Why would she do that?”

“She was faking,” Eric said.

“Emma had a note for you,” I said. “Emma believed me. She knew you lied to her. Everything you said was a lie.”

“Yeah right,” Eric said.

I started to read the note. “Dear Eric,” I began. “You’re wrong. Liz would never hurt anybody.”

“See?” Lily asked.

The people by Eric began to exchange uncertain glances. “You’re lying!” Eric said. “I never saw this note!”

“It was in her hand when she was petrified,” I explained. Then I continued reading. "I realized that. What you told me about her confessing to you, it must have been lies. This means you lied to me. Why? What good do false accusations do right now?”

By now most of the people by Eric were staring at him. However a few still glared at me.

“Liar!” Drake yelled.

“I didn’t lie to you,” I said.

“Yes you did!” Drake yelled.

“I told you the facts. But I have better things to do then stand here and defend myself against false accusations. If anyone wants to leave the note I am leaving it here.”
