Keeping a Green Closet

One great way to stay green is thinking about what you put in your wardrobe.  Fast fashion, questionable company practices, and clothes that are thrown out quickly all make major impact on the environment.  For each clothing piece that is made, a considerable amount of land must be plowed and farmed to produce cotton or other materials to make a single garment.  Some companies are more considerate of the environment and try to use greener material, but the amount of resources consumed to make so many clothes is unavoidable. 

One way to cut down on the pollution of buying clothes is buying nicer clothes that last longer.  Though many fast fashion stories ten to have clothes with pretty nice price tags, the clothes are guaranteed to fall apart once the season is over.  Buying nicer, more timeless clothes allow them to be worn for multiple fashion seasons and have a longer closet life.  

Another option that is appealing to many people is shopping consignment and resale shops.  Many nicer consignment stores have clothes that look very new and have an easy to swallow price tag.  Buying a piece of clothing used instead of its new equivalent has been compared roughly to taking a car off the road in terms of pollution output, due to the fact that new resources did not have to go into making a new shirt.  An easy way to get started with green shopping is looking for the new school year starting in consignment type stores and seeing how many pieces of a anew wardrobe you are able to find. On top of the environment benefits, used clothes will save money for more new wardrobe pieces or contribute another dollar to savings.  A penny saved is a penny earned!  

So when shopping for a wardrobe redo, try to remember the two easy options about how to make your new look easier on the planet.

